Over 50 years of experience. David Tatge, our founder, would often remind us that we are a service business, and without our customers’ loyalty and patronage, we would not have come this far. We are grateful to be operating – providing jobs for our employees and services to our customers. We would not be here without you. We are thankful for all of our loyal customers who continue to invest in our business relationship and who we hope will continue to grow with us! About Danco, Facilities Guide, A Comprehensive Range of Services.
Major airframe, aerospace and defense contractors, as well as both large and small commercial and industrial firms, utilize the services of Danco for one or more of our metal finishing and identification services.

Titanium Anodizing. The Finish of Choice for Orthopaedic Implants. Titanium anodizing provides products with improved properties compared to those in a raw or “unfinished” state.
Many industrial and commercial products can benefit from one or more finishing techniques. Logos, part numbers, or other identification adds value and often reduces part selection errors. Color anodizing helps produce both a superior product and can help differentiate similar appearing components.